Rural Success Stories from Texas

Rural Success Stories from Texas

Bill Tarleton of the Texas Rural Education Association shared the following updates about the amazing things happening in rural communities! The TXREA is an NREA State Affiliate. CTE Opportunities in Chilton ISD (Video) – “Students can walk away with a...
Bringing the World to Rural Students with Edtech

Bringing the World to Rural Students with Edtech

Allison Nys, Manager of Statewide and Strategic Partnerships, Discovery Education and Member of the Executive Board of the National Rural Education Association I love my rural lifestyle. The big, clear skies, beautiful vistas, and strong community I share with my...
Welcoming New 2023 NREA Board Members

Welcoming New 2023 NREA Board Members

The National Rural Education Association is excited to welcome the following outstanding rural advocates to our Executive Committee. Rural Research Center Rep: Dr. Amy Price Azano Amy Price Azano is a professor of rural education and adolescent literacy in the School...
Mentoring Program at Virginia Tech

Mentoring Program at Virginia Tech

Submitted by Amy Price AzanoDirector, Center for Rural Education This past October, two centers at Virginia Tech–the Center for Rural Education and the Center for Refugee, Migrant, and Displacement Studies–kicked off a mentoring program on Virginia Tech’s campus. The...