Why Rural Matters 2023:
Communications Toolkit
The National Rural Education Association is proud to release Why Rural Matters 2023—the 10th in a series of reports analyzing the contexts and conditions of rural education in each of the 50 states and calling attention to the need for policymakers and others to address rural education issues in their respective states.
About This Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to provide education leaders and practitioners, policymakers, researchers, funders, and others who are passionate about advocating for and improving rural education, with resources to be able to consistently communicate about the Why Rural Matters 2023 report.
Who Should Use This Toolkit?
This toolkit is designed for anyone seeking to share information, research, and data about the contexts and conditions of rural education in the United States. Whether you are a superintendent, principal, school board member, policymaker, community leader, researcher, or funder, the resources are designed to provide you with templates and allow for flexibility as you customize your communication efforts to your stakeholders.
What’s Included in This Toolkit?
- Report Summary & Highlights
- Report Logos
- Standard
- One-Color (Black)
- One-Color (White)
- Please contact us if you need another file type.
- Sample Press Release
- Sample FAQs
- Sample Social Media Graphics
- Sample PowerPoint Slide Deck
Now Available: Why Rural Matters 2023
Thank You
NREA offers its sincere appreciation to the Rural School and Community Trust, who conceptualized this project more than 20 years ago and nurtured it through its evolution across multiple versions. We are honored to take the baton and continue this important work. We also want to recognize and thank our national partner, Rural Schools Collaborative, for their continued support of our collective work on behalf of rural schools, educators, and students across the country. A special thank you also goes out to T-Mobile for their financial support of Why Rural Matters.
Contact Allen Pratt, Executive Director, NREA at allen-pratt@utc.edu.